Yoga & the Uncomfortable

Yoga is about finding a balance between the comfortable and the uncomfortable. 

Do you struggle with a specific posture in your practice or during class? When I first started practicing yoga 7 years ago, I was terribly afraid of crow pose. I wanted to do the pose so badly, but I could not balance myself on my hands. Crow pose was hard and uncomfortable and scary at the time. I was so afraid that I was going to fall and break my nose each time I lifted a single toe off the floor. 

The fear of falling made me seriously so uncomfortable, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the pose. So I decided to master the uncomfortable. I practiced crow diligently every day before class started. I practiced the pose so much I had bruises on my triceps.  After a few months I was able to lift both my feet off the mat. I was only for a second, but they were off the mat. I had reached a milestone in a hard pose. I had challenged myself to still the fear in my mind of falling. I worked on improving my concentration because this is a very important factor in crow pose. 

I no longer fear crow pose. Because then you set your mind to challenge the uncomfortable, you will eventually be able to fly. Crow pose helped me improve my concentration and my focus. It most definitely helped improve my core strength. But most importantly, it gave me the courage to master the uncomfortable. 

Do you have the courage to master the uncomfortable in your life? On or off the mat….I’ll let you decided where. 

