Dhyana- Limb 7

Almost to the end of the 8 limbs! Today we will discuss Limb 7 – dhyana, or meditation.  This limb may be a little more familiar to those interested in yoga.  You almost can’t go a day anymore without hearing about the benefits of meditation! Dhyana occurs when we have focused our concentration on something […]

Dharana- Limb 6

Today we will talk about Limb 6 – dharana, or concentration.  Recall that the last limb discussed (Limb 5) was pratyahara, or withdrawing the senses from the outside world and bringing them toward the internal world.  In a way, Limb 5 marks the transition from the physical world to the inner spiritual world.  Limb 6 […]

Pranayama- 4th Limb

The fourth limb of yoga is pranayama, or control of breath. Why is breath control important to mind-body balance? We all know the feeling – when we feel anxious or panicked, all we can think about is the stressful situation.  Our heart rate goes up, our muscles become tense, and in most cases, our breathing […]

Asana, the 3rd Limb

Ahhhhh, we’ve finally come to Limb 3: Asana.  AHHHHH-sana.  (Did you see what I did there?) Asana is the part of a yoga practice that we typically think of when we tell a friend, “OMG come to yoga with me!”  We are usually talking about the physical practice of getting into poses and breathing as […]

The Niyamas- 2nd Limb

The second of the eight limbs is the niyamas, or spiritual observances.  The niyamas are recommended practices for day-to-day living that contribute to balance within mind, body, and spirit. There are 5 niyamas, which are as follows: 1. Saucha, or cleanliness/purification.  Based on saucha, we are encouraged to remove impurities from both our external and […]