The Giving Tree

As we continue to work our way through the holidays, we sometimes need to be reminded as to all the amazing things that are happening in our life. I’m not just talking about a holiday bonus check at work, the weekend ski trip with the family, or an amazing evening at a holiday concert…I’m talking bare necessities. 

Food, shelter, clothing and most 

For some people safety is a daily concern. The growing numbers of domestic violence cases continue to sky rocket in our country. Domestic violence statistics show 1 in 3 women will expirence severe physical violence from a partner during their life. (This includes a range of behaviors. i.e. slapping, shoving, pushing, punching) That’s a jaw dropping number…33.3%. To add to the mess 15 million children witness domestic violence in their homes EACH year. 

It’s a silent and brutal epidemic, that we as a country, and community need to come together as a support system to help victims and survivors of domestic violence.


Need some more numbers?

  • All cultural, religious, socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds are affected by domestic violence. 
  • The number of American troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq between 2001-2012 was 6,488. The number of American women who were murdered by a current or ex male partner during that same time frame was 11,766. That’s nearly double the amount of casualties lost during the war.
  • Domestic Violence is the leading cause of injury to women- more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined.
  • 1 in 9: the number of men who will become victims of severe violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. 
  • More than 50% of women end up leaving their abusive partner without taking any belongings.
  • Children exposed to domestic violence at home are more likely to have health problems, including becoming sick more often, having frequent headaches or stomachaches, and being more tired and lethargic. 1 in 3 children who witness domestic violence are also victims.
  • There is approximately 12,000 children living in domestic violence shelter or transitional housing facilities on any given day. 
  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.
  • Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners will seek and receive medical care for their injuries.

The problem is real and one that is near to my heart. This Holiday season Namaste Studio is lending help and will have an opportunity for you to help those fleeing domestic violence. 

50% of those fleeing a dangerous person leave on a whim, at just the right moment with nothing in hand. They arrive at shelters, safe houses, and havens with only the cloths on their backs. 

We will have a tree filled with mini yoga mats at the studio door. Each yoga mat represents a “Breathe Bag”.  You do NOT have to participate in our classes in order to help!

Each Breathe Bag should include:

  • a pair of socks 
  • 2 granola bars 
  • 2 sealed fruit/applesauce cups 
  • 1 travel toothbrush and toothpaste
  • 1 travel shampoo 
  • 1 travel conditioner
  • Small brush
  • 1 mini travel first-aid kit
  • 1 travel deodorant

All products must be new and unopened and placed inside a gallon ziplock bag. Breathe Bags can be returned to the studio and placed in the basket by the tree. The cost of putting together a bag is approximately $10-15 depending upon products and place of purchase. Breathe Bags will be distributed throughout the community to several domestic violence shelters, safe havens, and safe houses.


As you continue to go about your holiday season be reminded of the amazing blessing in your life, and aware of those who are without the same sense of safety, securing and love.



If you or someone your know needs help please reach out and contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline online or by phone at 1-800-799-7233. 

*all statistics were found here

**Photo credit and