Here & Now

We are on the downhill slide of the year. Days blur together, shopping trips make us groan, and the thought of traffic…don’t even get me started. The end of the year is upon us and with it comes all the “joys” of the holidays. Many of us begin to become overwhelmed with the “what’s next” thought process. I promise you know what I’m talking about. You no sooner finish one event, holiday concert, party or project, only to have your thought process jump to what’s coming next and how to plan for it. 

Now, I completely understand planning in advance, personally, I thrive on it. I got my “calendar & post it note skills” from my mother. Lists, sticky notes, and an color coded calendar are my jam! The organization makes life simpler in our crazy household, especially with everyone going six ways from Sunday…ALL THE TIME. 

We are guilty of enjoying the preschool play, only to be thinking of what else we have to do before the day is done. It’s really easy to get wrapped up in the “what’s next” mindset. As I was planning for this weeks #sundaythoughts, I stumbled across the following quote…

Ask yourself: “Where am I?”
Answer: “Here.”

Ask yourself: “What time is it?”
Answer: “Now.”

Say it until you can hear it.

~ Ram Dass

I’m pretty sure I reread it about 40 times. I wanted it to really sink in. Life moves at an alarming rate of speed. Kids grow up so fast, people age before our eyes, and we are so busy that we often don’t stop to think of the here and now. 

As we continue to move through the holiday season, I encourage you to jot down the quote on a several sticky notes. Place them all over your house, work and car. Give yourself a constant reminder to STOP and be present in the here and now. Toss the worries of what’s next and JUST BE

  • Take a moment to meditate. 
  • Enjoy the sounds around you.
  • Observe joy.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Be grateful.

Dismiss everything for just moment…I promise the calendar can wait.



P.S. We are still collecting Breathe Bags through Dec 22 to help those fleeing Domestic Violence this season. Find out how you can help here.